Why did you do it that way? Why did you talk to her before talking to me? Why did you promise the customer that we would get it to them? Why didn’t you do a better job? Why is your nose so big? Why? Why? Why?

Annoyed yet? And I’m not even your teammate…or worse, your boss.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the word why.  I use it for myself all the time. Why did that person react negatively to that comment? Why is the team leader not participating in the discussion? Why did I push just a little too hard on that sensitive issue?  I use why to try to understand more fully and to push myself to higher levels of performance. But I keep why for my inside voice.

When I really want to know what’s going on in someone’s head, I avoid “why” at all costs.

It turns out that when someone asks us a question starting with “why,” it triggers the part of our brain that wants to explain and rationalize. When we ask someone to tell us why they did something, they immediately look to justify their actions with a believable story.

Rather than sparking the open dialogue we’re looking for, “why” locks the person into their position. It also triggers very basic patterns from childhood. We hear the word “why” and it’s like we’ve just been caught red-handed with a crayon on the dining room wall and someone’s yelling, “WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?!”

If you want to understand why your teammate did something, you just need to get there a little differently. If you use “what” or “how” questions, you’re more likely to get insight and less likely to get resistance. “What led you to that conclusion?” “Who did you take into consideration in that process?” “How did you arrive at that answer?” If you’re really worried about peppering your teammate with questions, you can use the safest version of all, “Tell me about your decision to abandon that project.”

That way, your curiosity sparks curiosity in the person you’re asking.  “hmmm…what WAS I paying attention to when I made that recommendation?”

If you really want to know why someone did something, don’t ask why. Use other questions that make them reflect, not rationalize.

10 handy dandy alternatives to why questions…

  1. Tell my how you approached that decision…
  2. Share your approach as you arrived at that recommendation…
  3. What was going on for you?
  4. How did you arrive at that answer?
  5. What was behind your decision?
  6. How did you experience that?
  7. What else should I know about?
  8. Who did you consider in your decision?
  9. Walk me through your thought process…
  10. Help me understand…

Further Reading

You Get the Team you Deserve

4 Ways to Stimulate Better Discussions

The 1 Thing you can do to Improve Communication Today